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Ah I really need to finish some parts of this project. Wonder what the best way is to do that… Guess I could… nah.
Hmm… Actually I could do it this way…. well.. but then you have to deal with… ah this is getting a bit much. Doesn’t really matter I guess, I can always work on things later.
Besides, I have a lot of other things to do. A loooooot of things. I need to cook some food for tomorrow… Or well… I guess I can always grab something at work, probably no sense wasting effort on that right now I suppose.
Ah! Yeah then there’s those messages I haven’t responded to. Yeah, gotta do that, let me just…. well hang on, what’s in the news?
Man there’s a lot here, a bit much to take in to be honest… probably can get some sort of summary some other way. Wonder if there’s a YouTube video or something I can listen to in the background?
Ah that’s nice; now I can listen to this AND get some things done. Might as well do the dishes while I’m at it. Wait, what was that they said in the video? Hmm I probably need to take a deeper look at that. Let’s just search for this, I bet there’s another video that explains it…
Hmm…. No…. Nothing yet. Wait, that looks interesting. Ah nice, looks like some cool animation, might as well click on it.
Oh wow this channel is great, what else do they have?
Hmm seems like they also have some collabs with some other people I can check out.
Wait, right I was gonna do some dishes. Let me quickly get the dishwasher started….
Just a few dishes to rinse and clean off here…. and… there.
Right… I guess I need to get back to what I need to do.
Well it is quite late. Maybe tomorrow is a better time to start on this, I should really get ready for bed.
I can’t sleep.